Map sheet 23
In the eastern part of Södermanland there are islands and the archipelago in the east, agricultural landscapes, lakes, ancient ruins and the castles so typical of the landscape. On this sheet of the cycling map are Södertälje and Nyköping. There are many cycle paths, as are the excursion destinations. You can direct the journey towards Tullgarn Castle outside Vagnhärad or Nyköpingshus where the famous guest banquet took place in the 14th century. Cycle map Östra Södermanland gives a detailed picture of the many cycle paths in the area.
On the map sheet showing the northern part of the area, Flen and Malmköping can be found in the east, Gnesta and Järna south of Södertälje in the northwest. On the southern part of the cycle map there is Nyköping, Oxelösund and you also see Kolmården and the eastern areas along Bråviken. Embedded in the map sheet is also a separate map of the Näckrosleden.
Our maps are:
Always the latest release
Clearly marked cycle paths and suggestions for cycle tours
The surface of the marked trails is shown, gravel or asphalt
Printed on polyart, a durable and completely water-resistant material